

Building a Multi-generational Business on Trust, Respect and The Valuing of People


Building a Multi-generational Business on Trust, Respect and The Valuing of People

Entrepreneurs are some of the most innovative and important people in the world today; however, the journey of building a successful business is not meant to do it alone. Over the past three years everything that is related to a company’s greatest asset: their people, has changed and leaders are being challenged on how to respond. For a small or mid-size business owner, whether a startup or a seasoned veteran dealing with all these changes can leave you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

In Unprecedented, Chuck Cooper’s mission is simple: helping business owners balance their focus on profitability and having a deeper understanding of the importance of their people. A different kind of leadership is needed in order to rebuild relationships that promote trust, respect, and the valuing of all people. With today’s multi-generational workforce, helping business owners learn how to create an environment where each individual feels valued is paramount to the business and their level of success. To be successful in accomplishing this mission, focus and commitment must be given to the areas of leadership, company culture, communication, and the role of Human Resources.

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Dr. Joey Faucette

Work has changed.

Work has changed. Just ask the millions who walked out in The Great Resignation. They chose no work or to start up their own work over bad work. The time is perfect for an UNPRECEDENTED redefinition of work to one that capitalizes on trust, respect and valuing people so we all express our highest and best selves through our work. Chuck Cooper's book is the amazing launch pad for this Mars-shot. He offers everything you need to escape the gravity of archaic work definitions, achieve the orbit of trust, respect, and value for people, and land your business on an exciting, challenging new world. Buy it. Read it. Act on it. Now. The dawn of new work is here.

Kevin M.

The risks you don't see coming

The book outlined the risks a busy business owner don't have time to think about when running a business. No point in working that hard only to sink all your hard work. On top of that, policy needs to be more aware, and more adaptful than ever. The book posed many great questions in the beginning and got more impactful as I read on. The visionary in me, enjoyed the read, because it reminds me to cover all my bases.

Blasdimil Gomez

Valuing People Comes First!

I’m so glad I’ve found this book! It has validated my way of thinking and more. ‘Unprecedented’ will give you insight knowledge on how to structure your business for long term success. It starts with your employees! Your greatest assets. Thanks Chuck for giving the world your experience, you are a true inspiration.